Referee tutor Hampshire FA


Registering with Hampshire FA

Information will be sent to all Referees, reminding them to re-register

A Referee who has failed to register as a Referee with the association between two and five seasons shall not be re-registered until they have successfully undertaken the Referee Course written examination. The affiliated Association may then register the Referee at their formal level (up to Senior County Referee) once they are satisfied with his/her competence. A Referee who has not been registered fro more than five season must attend and successfully complete the Referee Course at which point they will be registered as a Junior County Referee.

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(9am - 5pm Monday - Friday)

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Referee Registration FAQs

Yes, you will need your FAN number and Password to access the site. Your FAN was included in the re-registration email sent out to you or can be located in your Member Services account if you can’t find/remember it.

If you can’t remember or don't have a password, when you log in to register it allows you to create a new password. Please click here to find your FAN.

Referees going away to University can either register with Hampshire FA before they move or can be transferred to the County FA where they will be studying and register with that County FA. You only pay one registration fee and can then referee anywhere in England.

Great news to hear! We would love to welcome you back, please contact the Referees department by email to Andy Moisey or Andrew Bailey. We can assist you to get back on the field.

Once you are a qualified referee, you are automatically registered by Hampshire FA for one year with the cost also included when you paid for the course.

Your referee registration number will change each season. Once you have completed the online process in WGS to re-register (step 6 being the payment page) you can see your new registration number for next season by refreshing the site and going back to the first page you were taken to after accessing the site. Click on the Referee Administration tab to your Referee Dashboard page.

Once registered with Hampshire FA, a referee can then apply to join any local leagues that are suitable for their ability. It is for the referee to make direct contact with any league that they wish to apply to. It is free to join a League but you will have to apply to them to join.

The list of current referee secretaries can be found on the map below. Leagues are instructed to use only registered referees and you will be asked for your registration number when joining them. Click here to view the details on our map.

We encourage all referees to register online via the Whole Game System. Doing so will enable you to manage and edit your personal details and football preferences. However, if you are unable to access our online system, we can provide assistance. Get in touch with us for more information.

Yes, your registration lasts for one season and you are required to re-register each season before officiating any matches. The FA do have the following regulations about referees who have not re-registered: You can be unregistered for up to two seasons and then just re-register as long as your CRC and Safeguarding certificates are valid

If you have been unregistered for between two and five seasons you are required to successfully pass a Laws of Game test (arranged by The County FA) to make sure you are up to date on law before being able to register again plus complete The FA CRC and Safeguarding criteria.

If you have been unregistered for five or more seasons you will be required to book onto the new practical referee course and complete The FA CRC and Safeguarding criteria to register again.

Once a referee is registered and has access to the Whole Game System (WGS) they can change their details i.e. update address, telephone number, by Logging in to WGS and updating details.

However – details cannot be omitted after registration – annotated to ex directory etc. This can only be done by the County FA so please do contact Andy Moisey, Referee Development Manager if there are any changes.

There is no longer a Level 10 referee category. The FA have changed this level to Level D for Developer, which covers Observers, Tutors, Mentors and Referee Coaches for example and if you fall within this description of roles you should still complete the registration process through WGS.

There is no fee associated to a Level D registered referee, so when you get to the payment page it should state £0.00 before you complete the process.

Anyone who is not listed as an ‘active’ level 1 – 7 or level Y (Qualified referee aged 14-15) or T (Trainee) level referee or as a level D will have no level associated to their records and will be unable to register at present because the system only allows active referees and level D’s to register for the 2017-18 season.

To safeguard the game and yourself, leagues and clubs are only allowed to us registered referees. Therefore, to referee you must be registered.

We can only offer our support to registered referees. If you are not registered you will not be entitled to any support from the County FA, or referee in any county affiliated football activity.

It costs £20 to register or re-register as a referee.

To referee any form of youth football (Under 18 and below) you must have an in-date FA CRC (other CRCs are not normally accepted). Contact us for more information on how you obtain or renew your CRC by email to Andy Moisey or Andrew Bailey in the referees department. 

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