Hampshire FA Secures Bio Circle as Bronze Supporter
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As we transition into tiered systems across the country where businesses face continued uncertainty, one thing that Hampshire FA strives to continue to achieve amongst the surrounding unprecedented times, is to secure sustainable sponsorships for the grassroots game. This has once again been achieved at a time when companies are preferring to ‘hold back’ on their finances and save for rainy days ahead, securing Bio-Circle in a 1-year deal as a Bronze Supporter but with a vision to extend to a 3-year deal.
For 30+ years Bio-Circle has been integrating revolutionary technology, chemistry, biology and service to achieve optimal cleaning performance and processes which have gone on to serve several diverse industries. The cleaning systems used by Bio- Circle are environmentally friendly compared to traditional cleaning methods and are free of harsh chemicals, helping many industries reduce their costs and negative impact on the environment. The company has now broadened its network of industries to include the sporting world, by helping companies clean and maintain their groundcare equipment and related machinery utilising sustainable and greener methods. Additionally, the company is a member of the Ground Management Association (GMA) and The Football Safety Officers Association (FSOA) and their green credentials are further supported by accreditations provided by the NSF and ISO.
Every club has a corporate duty to be more environmentally friendly and greener in their approach for the long-term sustainability and health of the natural world. At Hampshire FA, we proudly endorse Bio-Circle as a partner and many of our members are regular users of their cleaning systems, as we are across each of our three facilities. The cleaning processes have a low environmental impact, reduce waste, improve health and safety and additionally prohibit the chances of cross-contamination making it safer for staff to use.
Discussing the partnership with Bio-Circle, Hampshire FA CEO Neil Cassar says: “When it comes to forming these strategic partnerships, we go the extra mile to also endorse them as customers of their very products or services. If we are to branch out and promote the goods and services of our partners to our football network, we do so confidently, knowing we use and implement them at our own facilities and for our own usage. This was a natural progression for us therefore welcoming Bio-Circle to the team – as partners and customers, we hope that our members will see the same revolutionary benefits as we do and be confident in the knowledge that the measures they are taking further their green stamp on the environment”.
Discussing the partnership with Hampshire FA, Bio-Circle’s Head of Environmental Stadia Projects, Mark Tomlinson says: “We are delighted to be part of Hampshire FA’s commercial partners and support the project to influence more clubs to maintain their ground care equipment in a more sustainable and ultimately, safe way”.