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Become an SSE Wildcats Centre in Hampshire

Hampshire FA
The application process will be open on 1st November 2018. In the meantime, you can sign up to one of our SSE Wildcats Information Workshops.

What is The FA’s SSE Wildcats Girls Centre initiative?   

The Aim is simple: HAVE FUN, MAKE FRIENDS & PLAY FOOTBALL An SSE Wildcats Centre is an opportunity for girls aged 5-11 to have fun, develop fundamental skills, try a variety of sessions and lay the foundations for a lifelong love of sport. By working in partnership with the County FA, qualified coaches deliver sessions locally to provide girls the opportunity to experience football for the first time in a fun & safe Environment. The sessions are delivered on a weekly basis, either after-school or weekends. Last year saw 29 SSE Wildcats Centres created in Hampshire, with new teams developed from these centres, equating to 800+ new players aged 5-11, playing football regularly. This year we hope to further expand on these successes with a target of 31 new centres. 
Click here to register.

Why should I apply to become a Wildcats Centre?

If you are looking to start girls football within your club/organisation this is the ideal initiative for you! You will be provided with support and guidance in setting up the perfect environment for girls, which hopefully will see you retain players to develop and lifelong journey of football. Within Hampshire we have seen great success from our 29 centres having players transitioned into clubs and creating teams. You will benefit from training, equipment package, £900 funding (over two years) and national marketing and branding to support the launch of your centre.

How do I apply?

Click HERE to start an application. See Applicant Guidance below for help. 
Click here to register.
We do recommend registering to one of the information workshop's that are being held in the county (please see below for further details). For further information, please contact the Women & Girls Football Development Officer, Flo Lunn or by calling: 01256 853015. 

The registration portal for new organisations to apply is open until Thursday 4 December.

What happens after I apply?  

Once your application has been submitted, it will be sent to the CFA who will then review your application. Feedback will then be provided and sent back to you, once everything is ok this will be sent to The FA for  review. Please note submitting an application will not guarantee you to become an SSE Wildcats Girls Centre as this is subject to meeting the criteria set by The FA, however please liaise with our CFA Women & Girls Officer who will aim to support you meeting the criteria. Contact Flo Lunn - Women & Girls Football Development Officer. 
Click here to register


Hampshire FA's Women & Girls Football Development Officer, Flo Lunn has arranged a series of information workshops in the county aimed at providing clubs with an opportunity to find out more about the SSE Wildcats programme, the benefits, including case studies of successful centres in the county together with offering support for the application process. To book your place on one of the workshop's, please click on the workshops below.

Flo Lunn 2
The SSE Wildcats Programme has played a pivotal role in increasing participation opportunities for young female players. We have seen new teams created but more importantly, we have seen many young girls try football and fall in love with it. This hopefully, has initiated a lifelong love for the game.
- Women & Girls Football Development Officer, Flo Lunn Contact Flo


The SSE Wildcats Centre - Southampton workshop will take place on Monday 5th November, 7pm onwards at venue TBC

16x9 Wildcats won't stop
16x9 Make a difference
Information workshop


The SSE Wildcats Centre - Havant workshop will take place on Monday 12th November, 7pm onwards at Front Lawn Community Hub, Havant

information workshop

sse wildcats - Basingstoke

The SSE Wildcats Centre - Basingstoke workshop will take place on Monday 19th November, 7pm onwards at Hampshire FA's HQ in Basingstoke.

16x9 Next generation